What is interceptive orthodontics?
Interceptive or preventive orthodontics can prevent the onset or worsening of dysmorphosis in children aged 6 to 9.
This treatment, carried out and monitored by the orthodontist, corrects the position of the jaws and teeth, before other complications arise. Taking care of a young child’s dental alignment can help treat certain malocclusions that may become more complex to treat in adolescence.
This also helps control the spaces created by the loss of the first teeth. To remedy this, a device called a “space maintainer” is worn by the child to allow the permanent teeth to grow in properly.
What signs should I look out for in my child?
- The front teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed.
- The width of the lower jaw is not the same as that of the upper jaw.
- Milk teeth fall out prematurely, leaving no space for permanent teeth.
- Front teeth shift or jaw deforms as a result of thumb sucking.
OrthoPlus, a comprehensive, individualized approach to patient care
Using flexible aligners (with or without indentations), Functional Education helps to intercept poor praxis, free up facial and maxillary growth as early as possible, and remove functional blockages.
Implemented very early, in patients aged 3 and over, Functional Education and the associated exercises have a functional and orthopedic action. They facilitate fixed treatment, shortening its duration, and ensure long-term treatment stability. It’s an opportunity from the earliest age for the adult in the making!